Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Catch the packets(DirectX 2D)

> The aircraft drops the packet and the player has to catch it.
>When the player catches the packet the score increases.
>When the player drops the packets life reduces.
>The goes on until life reduces to zero.

Software s used :
DirectX SDK
Microsoft Visual studio 2010
Adobe Photoshop CS 5


 Gameplay Video  is at this link:
Directx gameplay

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Cannon shooter(xna 2d game)

Cannon shooter

Cannon has to aim at the the falling enemies.
The score increases for every enemy killed.
The cannon has an Armour of 100, when the enemy fall on the floor, the armour reduces.
so u need to shoot every enemy and not let it fall

Software s used :
XNA Game Studio 4.0
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
Adobe Photoshop CS 5


Game Play: